I don’t understand what people say about love.
Firstly it seems to be so neccessary to find a partner in order to be able to love. In my opinion this is a dangerous conception, as people are marrying each other without even reflecting, what love really means for them. They do so, because it is an unwritten law, if you want to be safe, want to be loved, you need a partner. To conform all the media influences which connect love directly with the idea of having a partner.
Maybe some are lucky. According to the divorce rates, however, most will sooner or later become unsatisfied. They become disappointed, of their partner, their relationship. Because they didn’t marry on the basis of love, not because they really wanted to share love until they die, but much more because they were searching for somebody, who could provide them with love. They wanted something, instead of giving something.
This is the behavior of the ego, the ego, which tells you that you need something from outside, to feel good, to be satisfied. But the ego can never be satisfied, so sooner or later you will become unhappy with your partner. He can’t provide you with everything your ego is longing for.
The only solution to all this heaviness which covers the term ‘love’ is to become the love you are longing for. You have to be love and spread your love throughout the world, in order to receive love. And that is real love, that is pure love. The love that you receive as an additional sweet present of the world to your own wholeness.
And if you are love by yourself, whole by yourself, you will be able to give, and likewise receive love from everything. Not only from a partner, or family, or friends, but also from strangers, from nature, from sunsets or from the sound of the ocean. So many things will fill you with peace and love.
Also people say you have to work on love. You have to work on relationships, in order to make them lasting. I don’t like it when love is combined with the expression ‘have to’. It sounds like an obligation, but love for me really doesn’t have anything to do with an obligation. If you genuinely try to have an empty cup about your concept of love, then just try to imagine everybody would feel whole, not needy, but in peace with themselves. Then love wouldn’t be a negotiation. You would be open to receive as much as the other one wants to give, you wouldn’t need more, because you are love already. You would just enjoy what is coming, without expectations, without wanting more or searching for something different. You would not feel the need to squeeze every possible emotion out of the other being. It would be real love, without having the never satisfied ego involved.
Love is something pure, and if you want to receive pure love, you have to work on yourself first. If you’re not doing so, you will probably never be able to get the sweet taste of pure love, which is the most valuable taste you will be able to find in your whole experience of being.