What we should learn in times of corona virus restrictions

Isi Bell
2 min readMar 23, 2020


About security and risk

We are experiencing a time when there are very significant limitations to our lives. Of course, this is a state of emergency right now, which is why these restrictions will be relaxed as soon as the virus allows it.
However, at this time we can experience what it would feel like to give up a lot of our own freedom in order to gain security for ourself and others. As we do so, we may question what security in life actually means. Germans in particular are not exactly unknown for their numerous insurance policies to cover all possible unexpected contingencies.
Laws serve to provide security. Military control is used to provide security. Monitoring serves to provide security. But how much security do we actually need?

Of course, on the one hand, it is a blessing to live in countries in which a basic level of security is offered and which is in no way questioned in this text. But to be able to answer how much security is healthy, we first have to answer what security means for life in general. We can go even further and ask what actually keeps us alive. What is the reason why we want to take part in all this?Why do we get up in the morning?
Isn’t it all the eventualities and possible surprises, the deep emotions and experiences that might wait for us right at the next corner which keep us going? That fill our lives with aliveness?
Ironically, all of these things can only be achieved if we leave a defined security area. Liveliness feeds on certain risks. If you are not here to poker a little, then the game of life will be lost. It would not be possible to have deep experiences, to grow, to feel. What would be the point?
So before we ever allow security to be tightened even after a corona virus, we should be aware of the overall impact of security on life. As in every area, the wisdom of the Zen Buddhists should be used: everything in moderation. Anything beyond that leads to illness.

Life is a mystery, an inexplicable event in which nobody really knows what to do with it. The only thing we are sure of is that it starts and ends. And we want to make the most of the time in between, we want to live it out. That means gaining experience, growing and being electrified by the surprises of life. All these things are only possible if restrictions due to security are limited.
The magic of freedom, the moderate risk and the possible variations of life paths, for which we have to face uncertainties, must remain one of our greatest assets.



Isi Bell
Isi Bell

Written by Isi Bell

Trying to put on paper what my soul offers. (GERMAN) HABITS/EGO/LIFE/SPIRITUALITY/LOVE/SELF

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