Many people don’t believe in magic.
They don’t believe in what they can’t prove empirically. And maybe they are right. Maybe there is an immense masterplan behind all that “life on earth” construct. A masterplan which has been engineered all the way down to its tiniest detail, where everything can be explained in a logical way.
However, it is megalomaniac to pretend we have any proper understanding of the world especially when it has been based on collectively ‘approved facts’ which are themselves based on a ridiculously small scope of knowledge of the whole universe construct. Moreover, facts are just based on
observations of recurring events, which are declared to be general and based on the expectation that this event, if the conditions are unmodified, will happen in exactly same way.
Everything is chaos and to base our belief on those recurrent matches, life will sooner or later show us how incapable we are of grasping the big picture.
Consequently, when you base all your decisions in life on facts, on what you believe is obvious and true you will miss the whole magic of the chaos. And I can’t tell you if this magic is real magic or imagined magic. I can’t even tell you what magic really means as we all have different perceptions of this world. What I can tell you is that we experience as much magic as we are ready to be open to it.
Our mind is telling us constantly whether a situation is good or bad, whether something is true or a fiction, whether something is right or wrong. By automating these categorizations we miss being open to situations. Situations that our mind thinks it can evaluate, but in reality they may no longer suit us.
In order to feel magic, to feel that tingling feeling in your stomach, to feel an excess of happiness, freedom or gratitude, to dive deep into pain, into pleasure, into love, you can’t stay in the familiar, in the proven, perceived safe. You have to free your mind from evaluation.
Because this evaluation keeps you away from experiencing your own natural wilderness, from actually being alive. We are not only a calculated something, we are humans, made by nature. And nature is chaos. A beautiful complementary work of chaos. In order to feel alive you need to nurture your chaos and not limit yourself to what you think you are or what society wants you to be. The better you can understand your individual nature that is unchained from all human-made constructs, the better you direct yourself in order to feel this magic in you.
The magic happens where we don’t build our attitude on the basis of past events. It seems quite obvious to what extent the mind influences our mood, our radiation and our perception of the world. If we are open to receive magic, we will get magic. And if we experience magic, no matter if it actually is ‘real’ magic or not, if it can be proven or not - if this experience makes your life more intense, sweeter or more worthier, there is absolutely no need to find out if it can be calculated or not.
Magic will happen to those who understand that our whole existence is an interplay of many little miracles and that every experience outside of our perceived truth brings us closer to the meaning of life —which is being alive.