She was this tiny little seed.
Since I planted her into the ground she eagerly tried to grow out of the mud.
She was so disciplined but something was wrong with her.
There were all these big trees and different flowers next to her.
Since her very first contact with the light she was impressed by the strength of the tree.
Everyday she tried to grow thicker roots, she tried to get more leaves.
Obviously it didn’t work, as she was not a tree.
I watched her. Everyday she was becoming more frustrated and her eagerness became less.
I thought she would give up flourishing.
But then her attention did wander to a beautiful rose.
Again she was astonished. She was astonished by the delicate shape and the beauty of the rose.
Maybe being a tree wasn’t the right thing for her. From now on she would try to become as beautiful and graceful as the rose.
However, this also didn’t work, as she was not a rose.
She begun to disbelief in herself, to doubt her whole being.
How could she be so weak, not being able to become a strong tree, not being able to become a stunning rose. Maybe she was to weak for her whole existence.
Her little, purple petals started to fade.
I was really worried about my eager little plant, so I created a strong wind.
The wind devasted the area around the desperate floret. The trees lost some branches, the roses lost some petals. But my little plant was so delicate, she was able to dance with the wind. And her wonderful, special fragrance spread out.
She was amazed by the qualities she had. Not loosing branches like the tree, not loosing petals like the rose. And how able she was to dance with the wind, so beautifully. And her smell, so different from the rose and the tree, but so brilliant.
From that day on, my little plant decided that she didn’t need to become like any other crop. She now knew that she will bloom perfectly by just letting it happen. She finally had trust in me and thats when she became one of the most beautiful lavenders I had ever seen in my whole universe.