or madness — a poem
We were real. We didn’t just merge our self-built masks.
We wanted to touch each other far beyond.
We were real. Because we wanted the whole,
through each other, we wanted to experience the whole,
the wholeness of existence,
with the awareness that this wholeness would consist of dark nights as welll as bright days,
of high mountains as well as deep valleys,
of some sweetness as well as disgusting bitterness.
We were real because we accepted the destructiveness of the fire,
in order to experience the loving strokes of light spring breezes,
the effortless, pure aliveness of rushing water
and its intensity when it transforms into powerful waterfalls.
We were real. Because we wanted the whole, not the half.
That whole, it brought every corner of my body to life,
carried me softly to blissfullness during all the nows we shared,
and eventually made me yearn for everything in her
that she ever wanted to be found for.