As a family, we were siting at the table
and in between us there were so many words,
so many unspoken words.
They were laying between us,
and even when we were sitting together
we could not see each other,
because those thousand unspoken words,
they deprived us of our ability to see,
to see each other.
As a child I asked myself,
how are these words able to stick to air?
How are these words able to drive people apart?
And why are these words not spoken?
Out of fear? Out of desperation?
As a child I asked myself,
what would happen if people would start speaking their words?
Their unspoken words,
which could not find the way from their mind to their mouth.
What would happen if they would become delicate, honest spoken words?
Words of truth, of reflected emotions?
As a chid I asked myself,
why are people so afraid of it?
What can be more destructive than feeling alone,
while you’re sitting with the humans you call family?
Dear parents, please be brave,
speak your words, for the sake of not teaching your kids to be unreal.