Failing through blaming the outer world
You said it was the fault of the others,
of all the others,
who took the breath out of you,
who filled your heart with stones,
who put their burden on your tender, little shoulders.
You said it was the fault of the all the others,
they kept you away from being the person you wanted to be,
the person you thought you would be.
You were too entangled in all your bitterness,
too stuck to see clearly.
If your glass of wisdom was empty,
you would have seen, the only reason for your displeasure,
the only reason of the heaviness in your life,
that was you.
The fear of failure had covered your eyes like a soft blanket of fog,
taken your view,
deprived you of all your thirst for life.
Out of bloody fear,
fear of failing, of not succeeding in life,
you stopped living.
You used all your energy
to seek blame in the outer world,
and forever you will be a seeker in vain,
because even if you search with the greatest energy
where there is nothing to be found,
you will achieve nothing but more emptiness.
The outer world is not the solution,
the solution is sleeping inside of you,
it is the almost expired light,
which you can spark, which you can bring back to life,
if you would just close your eyes and look into yourself.